Yetico S.A., earnings

Earnings in Yetico S.A.- meet the real earnings information for the company to pay forum. You want to learn about the salary you can earn by working at Yetico S.A.?

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Recently added reviews of our users about Yetico S.A.:

Good morning. I worked for this company for a year and a half in Gorzów Wielkopolski in the years 2021-2022. During this time, I did not have a very good opinion about this employer. Initially, during work, this bestial attitude towards the worker is not noticedIt's not good
Good morning. I worked for this company for a year and a half in Gorzów Wielkopolski in the years 2021-2022. During this time, I did not have a very good opinion about this employer. Initially, during the work, this bestial attitude to the pr is not noticedIt's not good
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Yetico S.a..
Employer profile

    Specializations, where Yetico s.a.. looking for workers with specialties:

  • Office Administration
  • English
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  • Automatic
  • Equipment
  • Research and development
  • Building & construction
  • Call Center
  • Client Advisor
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  • Engineering
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  • Quality controller
  • A lab technician
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  • Mechanics
  • German
  • Customer service
  • PR
  • Paperwork
  • Customer service agent
  • Office worker
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  • Designer
  • Projects
  • Sales representative
  • Regional Sales Manager
  • Specialist. research and development
  • Specialist. the quality of the
  • Specialist. customer service
  • Specialist. projects
  • Specialist. sale
  • Sale
  • To ensure the quality of
  • Sales management
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2 thoughts on "Yetico S.A., earnings”

  1. Good morning. I worked for this company for a year and a half in Gorzów Wielkopolski in the years 2021-2022. During this time, I did not have a very good opinion about this employer. Initially, during work, this bestial attitude towards employees is not noticed, more often to guests from Ukraine. Example: after my dismissal, a Pole was taken over me, who was given a stake from the beginning 19 zł per hour, However, after working for a year and a half, I 18 buy. Work on Saturdays and Sundays is granted only to Poles, But if it is "dirty" work, they can even offer Ukrainians. It looks like this – “We gave you the whole Saturday of the month, so you should respect us for that”. Poles themselves, together with the management, go to work on Saturday and Sunday without hanging their schedule, so that other employees do not know about it and do not have a grudge. You can be fired at any time. At work, I broke my spine, I came to the manager Marek Dopierało and asked him to write a pass to return home, to which he replied, that it's impossible. Then, probably for the first time in his life, he turned on his mind and said: "Yes Michael, Of course, write and fire immediately.". This leader is cunning, lazy and completely unprofessional. The management of this company hides the facts, Why employees leave and why there is such a "turnover" in this company. This is just the tip of the iceberg and working in this company for a year and a half, I can answer all your questions, if anyone is interested in the details 884731366 – Mykhailo

  2. Good morning. I worked for this company for a year and a half in Gorzów Wielkopolski in the years 2021-2022. During this time, I did not have a very good opinion about this employer. Initially, during work, this bestial attitude towards employees is not noticed, more often to guests from Ukraine. Example: after my dismissal, a Pole was taken over me, who was given a stake from the beginning 19 zł per hour, However, after working for a year and a half, I 18 buy. Work on Saturdays and Sundays is granted only to Poles, But if it is "dirty" work, they can even offer Ukrainians. It looks like this – “We gave you the whole Saturday of the month, so you should respect us for that”. Poles themselves, together with the management, go to work on Saturday and Sunday without hanging their schedule, so that other employees do not know about it and do not have a grudge. You can be fired at any time. At work, I broke my spine, I came to the manager Marek Dopierało and asked him to write a pass to return home, to which he replied, that it's impossible. Then, probably for the first time in his life, he turned on his mind and said: "Yes Michael, Of course, write and fire immediately.". This leader is cunning, lazy and completely unprofessional. The management of this company hides the facts, Why employees leave and why there is such a "turnover" in this company. This is just the tip of the iceberg and working in this company for a year and a half, I can answer all your questions, if anyone is interested in the details 884731366 – Mykhailo

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