DSA Investment S.A., reviews

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Recently added reviews of our users about DSA Investment S.A.:

Working at DSA Investemnt has studied me selling. Here I received great training support, That resulted in working with customers. For this, I appreciate this company's most. In addition, such an approach to employees, or the development ofAgnieszka
As in any work, That requires contact with different people tend to be worse and better moments. However, good earnings, Friendly atmosphere among colleagues and good words from customers, which I helped make, That I want to go further PRADagmarra
The opportunity to develop and appreciate the training 10. The company really invests in its people. I've learned a lot here. Rent the well-known and experienced trainers . In this company they know, That a satisfied employee, which is adequately Zbyszek
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20 thoughts on "DSA Investment S.A., reviews”

  1. Working at DSA Investemnt has studied me selling. Here I received great training support, That resulted in working with customers. For this, I appreciate this company's most. In addition, this approach to employees, or their development, makes, That there is a friendly atmosphere at work and you can get along with your superies. They understand, That man learns and can make mistakes. The worst in this job is a difficult and competitive market therefore you need to take care of your knowledge and motivation.

  2. As in any work, That requires contact with different people tend to be worse and better moments. However, good earnings, Friendly atmosphere among colleagues and good words from customers, which I helped make, That I want to continue working.

  3. The opportunity to develop and appreciate the training 10. The company really invests in its people. I've learned a lot here. Rent the well-known and experienced trainers . In this company they know, That a satisfied employee, which the appropriate learning will be worked on 200%. I really like this approach. Thanks to him the atmosphere and relations with the superies are very good.

  4. Tutaj można się bardzo wiele nauczyć. Za możliwość rozwoju i szkoleń daję firmie maksymalną ocenę. Nigdy w życiu nie uczestniczyłam w tak wielu szkoleniach i spotkaniach trenerskich.
    Za atmosferę i relację z przełożonymi daję trochę mniej bo bywa momentami stresująco ale mimo wszystko jest nieźle. I think, że solidne 8 pkt na 10 dobrze odzwierciedlają stan jaki panuje w ten firmie. Ja jestem zadowolonapracuję 3 rok i jeszcze nie myślałam o zmianie co w moim przypadku jest nowością.

  5. I am satisfied with the work in the company. I had to learn a lot. The work is hard, but it gives satisfaction. Earnings are also on the przyzwotym level. I am also pleased with the atmosphere at work, which is friendly. In my previous company, this atmosphere was not.

    1. I agree with the opinions below. Me also have the option of (i) the number of training very positively surprised. It is very holding me at this work because I learned a lot and all the time I have the opportunity to participate in something new

  6. Jestem mega zadowolona z tej pracy. Przede wszystkim tutaj dopiero nauczono mnie prawdziwej sprzedaży. Ale nie super tajnych technik i socjotechnik nlp tylko prawdziwej uczciwej sprzedaży zbudowanej na relacjach z klientem, który wraca do swojego zaufanego doradcy. Trafiłam tutaj przypadkowo a wiem, że zostanę na długo. Udało mnie się już zbudować przyzwoity portfel klientów i mam dzięki niemu spore zyski. Cieszy mnie również to, że DSA inwestuje w pracownika i nieustannie mamy cenne szkolenia z profesjonalistami. Jak ktoś dobrze czuje się w sprzedaży lub chce zbudować w sprzedaży swoją karierę to DSA będzie najlepszym wyborem.

  7. It's the best the company sale consulting., in which I worked. And their przerobiłam 5 and including Amway, where very disappointed. Only in DSA can work as normal conditions and not as in the section. Atmosera OK, Sales plans at a decent level, Good. This is after the Porstu stable firm for the industrious.

  8. Working at DSA Investment is bad. I've worked in the corporate world so I have a bit of experience, and know how can life uprzykrzyć heads. Here there is no. The atmosphere is good. Earnings at a decent level, although in this matter I have the biggest disdosyt. Working for vigorous and industrious people. Those are really appreciated here.

  9. For me it's a very good employer. I work only a few months and already the company has invested in my development, endowing me with three valuable sales training. I have good results in this job, Thanks to the support of my boss, Who is an experienced seller and tells me all the time what to do, I worked better. Maybe it's sometimes a little annoying but it actually makes me earn more. Generally the atmosphere in this company is very good. Disgruntled colleagues and girlfriends, of course, happen, however, you have to tell yourself honestly, that this is a job on sale and you have to work here a little differently than behind the office desk. Just not everyone is suitable for sale and there is nothing to complain about the company just need to have some self-criticism and know what you want from life.

  10. The company is growing all the time, and with it, its employees. DSA you work in young team, get technical assistance, participate in training, through which you develop your knowledge and skills. Further positive aspects are the fact, that training trips are also foreign, you have flexible working hours and open the opportunity to advance, depending on the quality of your work, and not overworked years. They convinced me and I do not regret.

  11. Customers tend to be different, as with the rest of everywhere, and for this you need to be prepared. The employer is doing what it should be and provides the necessary training, gives tips, however, some things simply won't do for us. Nice atmosphere at work and high commission is a great convenience, but without self-confidence and willingness to work, it will not.

  12. DSA put primarily on independent and well organized people. The company provides its employees with really a lot of freedom. Depends on us when we work, and when we have time off. A properly scheduled meeting calendar and you can relax two days longer. A few hours of work more a week and at the end of the month a higher salary. How who prefers. The end result for the employer is important, and not the way you achieve it. We manage our contact and customer contact expenses accordingly, we have no restrictions here, only our own common sense.

  13. With great importance attached to the development of the employee. It is known, that the employer acknowledges the more of these, who are trying to, so you can not count on, that he will pay for sitting and looking at the wall. But DSA can also prepare and motivate the work to properly prepare and motivate the. The benefits of this are for both sides. I'm already working 4 year.

  14. This would work for some people, who can well organize your time. DSA allows you to address this issue properly on total freedom, What matters is the end result, how you achieve it no longer has much meaning. Big plus for them for proper motivating for work and training, to enrich your knowledge and keep up to date with various innovations in the.
    Furthermore, I have not encountered, in which a DSA employee (including myself and I) would complain about the poor atmosphere in the company.

    1. It's true. The company cares about its employees, not only providing them with adequate remuneration. In addition to the salary, there is also an appropriate atmosphere in the workplace and investment in the development of staff. In DSA, both colleagues, and management relate to each other with respect. From the very beginning, I was very kind and could always count on some good advice. In addition, a whole bunch of trainings preparing me for my duties. And the main thing, the amount of my salary depends on me.

  15. The company pays on time, allows for individual working time (from you depends on how many hours you work, If you have results you can work even for two days, no one stands above you with a watch in your hand). Extensive training system – not only for new employees, but also for those more experienced, so that they can all the time expand the knowledge of. Quite high commissions and opportunities for promotion also adequately motivate the action of.

  16. From you it actually depends on how hard you want to work, but you know, that for those, who are trying to get more benefits are greater. Although I know, that not everyone corresponds to such a large independence. Ze swojej strony firma zapewnia niezbędne materiały i szkolenia, które pozwalają odpowiednio przygotować się do pracy. Nie trzeba posiadać specjalnego doświadczenia w tym zawodzie, ale ważne, by mieć chęci do uczenia się i rozwijania swoich umiejętności. DSA zachęca do tego atrakcyjnym wynagrodzeniem i starannie przygotowanym pakietem motywacyjnym.

  17. Pracuję w DSA już drugi rok i uważam, że to chyba dobry czas, aby podzielić się swoją opinią. Praca nie należy do najłatwiejszych i wymaga dużego zaangażowania, ale DSA robi wszystko, aby jej kadra była do tego odpowiednio przygotowana i przede wszystkim należycie wynagradzana. Dzięki nim ciągle stawiam sobie coraz wyższe cele do zrealizowania i mam prawdziwą satysfakcję, gdy uda mi się z nich wywiązać. W tej firmie stawiają przede wszystkim na jakość oferty, rozwój pracownika i podejście do klienta.

  18. Great company. Pracowałem z nimi prawie 3 years. Ze względu na wyjazd zagraniczny musieliśmy się rozstać. Jednak do dzisiaj miło wspominam. Dobre zarobki i świetne programy motywacyjne. Zwiedziłem z nimi pół świata, dzięki wycieczkom, które otrzymywałem w nagrodę za wyniki. Do tego zdobyłem duże umiejętności sprzedażowe, ponieważ firma inwestowała w szkolenia. Podsumowując jeżeli chcesz dobrze zarabiać i jesteś gotowy na dużo nauki i ciężką pracę to wal do nich śmiało. Jeżeli chcesz odbębnić 8h to daruj sobie. Nic nie osiągniesz i nie przetrwasz 2 months.

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