Automatic Letter Bender, jobs

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I note the, that working at Automatic Letter Bender Dariusz Sławomir Wiszenko is my worst professional experience – and I have many years of experience in different environments and professions. The most difficult is the shock of the lack of bulletsCreative
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They thought he "Automatic Letter Bender, jobs”

  1. I note the, that working at Automatic Letter Bender Dariusz Sławomir Wiszenko is my worst professional experience – and I have many years of experience in different environments and professions. The most difficult is the shock associated with the lack of personal and business culture of the company managers. All opinions expressed on the Internet about them are, Unfortunately, Real, what I was supposed to see for myself. Boss exhibits incalculable behavior, alternately offers “Slippery”, artificial smilies and jargon (low-caliber, moreover,, Type: “measure you intelligence quotient?” or worse – “I can pat you after …..” – these are the words of the boss – and sometimes tries to touch female employees) and insults and derision towards employees. This is not a job for normal, vulnerable people. No one can withstand daily harassment. What else to add on the downside for this company? Well, they pay the lowest national + small sums “under the table”, the atmosphere is constantly toxic. They're still looking for people to work with – it also proves something. They write, for example,. that they offer work in a very friendly atmosphere! This is not true! Are written by, that they give the opportunity to demonstrate initiative and ideas! Untrue! I guess just for this, to break them, make fun and show that the boss has a much cooler, smarter ideas. The boss generally refutes all ideas. I want to, for example,. specialist. marketing projects in Poland and Europe, but it does not give a penny! He seems to be, that everything can be done for free! And yet he accuses the employee of, that you do not know anything, no because the possibilities “freecha” are infinite….The boss also does not organise virtually any training, but at the same time “betting” employees as much as they, crude words, that e.g.. poorly serve customers! I believe, that you shouldn't expose yourself to as unpleasant an experience as working in this company. There is no constructive criticism and discussion at even the basic level of culture. Nerve and time damage. How the boss does not bully you just over you – it's over others, and it is also a pity to look and listen to. If we agree to such behaviour, most Podlasie employers will never learn respect (at even the official level of the) to the employee. My job for this company, my involvement, experience and professionalism are pearls before!

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