ALAB laboratories SP. z o.o., earnings

Earnings in ALAB Laboratories Ltd.- meet the real earnings information for the company to pay forum. You want to learn about your salary what you can earn by working in ALAB Laboratories Ltd.?

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Recently added reviews of our users about ALAB laboratories Sp z o.o.:

Holy truth ,almost all the entries fit where I work. ALAB is an exploiter. The system reminds me of Stalin's times. Of all the current bullying. Salary after 30 years of work in the medical profession soon reaching for the lowest national.IRA
Alab as an employer – working almost on a chord. You have to do a lot more and more. Training for the personnel does not have any, promotions too. Labor Day 12 h or 8 (h) , a visit to the toilet on the run, eating anything in high speed. If Tereska
Employ graduates( order agreement), who can do nothing because it is cheaper, quality research falls. Wszkolony and educated staff leaves, There is surprising since Diagnostician earns less than the techniques.I worked there a. ...
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The company deals with the labour market
ALAB laboratories SP. z o.o.
Employer profile

    Specializations, in which the ALAB laboratories Sp z o.. looking for workers with specialties:

  • Office Administration
  • Administrator
  • Analyst
  • Financial analyst
  • Analysis of the
  • Financial analysis
  • English
  • Research and development
  • Biology
  • Chemia
  • Chemist
  • Excel
  • Pharmacy / Medical
  • Finance
  • Finance / Economics
  • HR
  • Other
  • Management
  • Human resources
  • Head
  • Product Manager
  • Control and audit
  • The financial controller
  • Controlling
  • Accounting
  • A lab technician
  • Laboratory
  • Logistics
  • Supply chain
  • Storage
  • Marketing
  • Medical
  • German
  • Customer service
  • Physical work
  • Warehouse worker
  • Sales representative
  • Medical representative
  • Accounting
  • The public sector
  • Specialist. research and development
  • Specialist. financial
  • Specialist. HR
  • Specialist. human resources and payroll
  • Specialist. r & d
  • Specialist. sale
  • Specialist. goods
  • Sale
  • The position of atoms
  • Transport / Freight forwarding / Logistics
  • Administrative support
  • Public procurement
  • Product management
  • Health
  • Health / Beauty
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7 thoughts on "ALAB laboratories SP. z o.o., earnings”

  1. Alab as an employer – working almost on a chord. You have to do a lot more and more. Training for the personnel does not have any, promotions too. Labor Day 12 h or 8 (h) , a visit to the toilet on the run, eating anything in high speed. If a worker to rebels to release it. Employ the most on behalf of, at the time, as must. Work under considerable time pressure, work in Warsaw on Stępińskiej is a nightmare, outside Warsaw is a little better. If you have a specialization, you will pay decently ( Sometimes they need a specialist), the head of a large labu even 6000 gross. Staff at the big city gets on hand 2000, 2200. There is no premium. As you are on the job is the salary you get, as per agreement request – It's the regularity of payment is different. In the company there is an eternal mess, You can not do anything, they promise and not keep their word, reagents do not come, bad system. Reliability of the results – depends on the executing State, at some point, you stop paying attention to it spend, because you're so tired of the noise, the pace of work, clutter, etc.. To ISO – Yes, binders stand and gather dust. they are afraid of KIDLa.

  2. Employ graduates( order agreement), who can do nothing because it is cheaper, quality research falls. Wszkolony and educated staff leaves, There is surprising since Diagnostician earns less than the techniques.

  3. The credibility of the ? free jokes, contract of employment – free jokes, time 8 h – free jokes. friendly cooperation – I prefer jokes, trained staff your recruiter – free jokes. For real what you can say Alabie – the exploitation of, the order extending endlessly, zero promotion, zero ability to work 8 h, quite ugly – If you do not podlizujesz the superior do not count , that doczekasz to the end of the month .

  4. salaries in the field, the exploitation of, sytem requirements and punishment. In the laboratory atmosphere mobbingowa and threaded through the management of. Work on a daily basis 12 hours and weekends. Weekly work even 80 Hours, After 24 the have come at night. I DO NOT RECOMMEND

  5. Work like in corporations. On duty often drag with 12 to 13 hours, work involving 3 Studios – koagulologii, haematology and biochemistry/immunochemii for marne 2 thousand with a small hook. For a small cast of people, in the course of 12 hours is the time to quickly jump to the toilet max twice. Not to mention “break for a sandwich”. ALAB does not mean credibility. ALAB means sweatshop employee.

    1. Holy truth ,almost all the entries fit where I work. ALAB is an exploiter. The system reminds me of Stalin's times. Of all the current bullying. Salary after 30 years of work in the medical profession soon reaching for the lowest national.

  6. Personally I do not recommend working in alabie my opinion is the exploitation of veterinary courier earned base 1900 gross for more than 300 (h) a month behind the wheel

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