AGMAZ Agnes Mazur, reviews

Forum from actual reviews of AGMAZ Agnes Mazur. Meet the ak looks really work, how much can you earn, just learn the truth about AGMAZ Agnes Mazur as an employer in Poland!

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Recently added reviews of our users about AGMAZ Agnieszka Mazur:

I have been working at the company Agmaz for a year and have never been so that I would be deceived or not given an answer to my vapros. Everything suits me for a long time.Azamat
Обманывают в наглую. Зарплату платят только наличными и первая аж через три месяца. Нанимают по умове злецения, от много отстаять свои праDmitry
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The company deals with the labour market
AGMAZ Agnes Mazur
Employer profile

    Specializations, in which AGMAZ Agnieszka workers looking for Mazur specializations:

  • English
  • French
  • Logistics
  • Supply chain
  • German
  • Freight forwarding
  • The freight forwarder
  • International freight forwarder
  • Transport
  • Transport / Freight forwarding
  • Transport / Freight forwarding / Logistics
  • Italian
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2 thoughts on "AGMAZ Agnes Mazur, reviews”

  1. I have been working at the company Agmaz for a year and have never been so that I would be deceived or not given an answer to my vapros. Everything suits I will continue to work here.

  2. Обманывают в наглую. Зарплату платят только наличными и первая аж через три месяца. Нанимают по умове злецения, What otstajat their rights much harder. Usually three months pay first paycheck – about 500 $. Because supposedly calculated for all that you can. For the rerun, fuel, Internet, CIR, pallet, decoration, etc. If the hood broke, how a new calculate – 1500$. For stopak 500$. And of course nothing will pay in the end. Do not disdain shenanigans with your signatures, palming paper. Calculate even for code 95 for those who already have, and it's still 400 euro. Game cocoa something, rather than firm. Drivers were judged and sued and nothing. В ужонде о праце на них также бестолку – подвязано все.

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