Charlie Works, reviews

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Recently added reviews of our users about Charlie works:

It's, that I will summarize it in this way speaks for itself N/C
The worst agency you can work with. Apart from the fact that to learn anything more about the work, your place of residence, to which we were assigned, it was not a miracle, Charlie Works agents did not
The worst office we've ever worked in . Prroblem began with a party . Where we accepted for clothes to Amsterdam, And they took us beyond Groningrn 140 km to work one way every day. No internet, The problem with whichFormer employee
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7 thoughts on "Charlie Works, reviews”

  1. The worst agency you can work with. Apart from the fact that to learn anything more about the work, your place of residence, to which we were assigned, it was not a miracle, Charlie Works agents were not helpful in any case :). House, which was teeming with vermin, residues from stimulants, etc, This is how we were assigned to a total pathology that finally robbed us. At work, even a minimum number of hours is not made (8) and usually 5 in gusts to 6. When we asked to change jobs several times, we were told, that no position is available, however, when the agency found out that we were deciding to quit our job at Charlie Works, suddenly the magical way of working was plentiful. There are many more things that can be added, But in no case do not go to work together with this agency.

  2. The worst office we've ever worked in . Prroblem began with a party . Where we accepted for clothes to Amsterdam, And they took us beyond Groningrn 140 km to work one way every day. No internet, problem with any help from coordinators , They send you to support where you can never reach or they float you. At the end, we sat for over a week without work that the employees with whom we traveled ordered themselves that they would go to work alone without us, because they do not feel comfortable in the car. And at the other end they cheated us for money for the last two weeks of work, we got nothing. I do not recommend !!

  3. Good morning. My memory of working at Charlie Works is not positive. The Agency neglects its duties and approaches them irresponsibly. Before starting work, everything seemed to be great. However, after going abroad, many misunderstandings came to light, inaccuracies and lies on the part of the agency. Coordinator, who was allegedly responsible for my place of temporary residence;, He was reckless, He neglected his duties. Everything was announced at the last minute without the possibility of discussion. About all documents and other issues (such as a refund for unused holiday hours) You had to ask for yourself. We were assured of this in Poland, that if necessary, we will receive help from Polish offices after leaving for the Netherlands, however, when the need arose, Phones were rejected. My rating on the scale 0-10 It's 1.

  4. Hello

    My cooperation as a production employee with the Charlie Works employment agency has been going on since 9 months.
    I am very satisfied with the cooperation with this agency.
    There is no problem with dealing with all matters over the phone with the office in The Hague. Always nice and friendly service of ladies who answer the phone.
    I have never met with any refusal.
    Salary paid weekly and on time and everything always agrees.
    I recommend other people to get employed at Charlie Works and certainly will not regret their decision.
    My opinion of her agency is on a scale 10

  5. Hello

    My cooperation as a production employee with the Charlie Works employment agency has been going on since 9 months.
    I am very satisfied with the cooperation with this agency.
    There is no problem with dealing with all matters over the phone with the office in The Hague. Always nice and friendly service of ladies who answer the phone.
    I have never met with any refusal.
    Salary paid weekly and on time and everything always agrees.
    I recommend other people to get employed at Charlie Works and certainly will not regret their decision.
    My opinion of her agency is on a scale 10

  6. I do not recommend scammers and thieves withdrawal does not agree with solaris, they take a deposit for shoes and keys and do not return you the cash taken

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