PHU MONA Wiesław Kusiak, reviews

Forum prawdziwych opinii o pracy w PHU MONA Wiesław Kusiak. Meet the ak looks really work, how much can you earn, po prostu poznaj prawdę o PHU MONA Wiesław Kusiak jako pracodawcy w Polsce!

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I would like to ask all going there (Częstochowa) on a job interview about being vigilant and reading between the lines, namely, I went at the recruitment meeting on merchant, everything good, beautifully, laughter chichy, accept me.Sanepid
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They thought he "PHU MONA Wiesław Kusiak, reviews”

  1. I would like to ask all going there (Częstochowa) on a job interview about being vigilant and reading between the lines, namely, I went at the recruitment meeting on merchant, everything good, beautifully, laughter chichy, accept me. Here begins the stairs, After 3 weeks of work in stock and as a driver I had to get agreement on the sales representative, It turned out that from the beginning I did not have to be a salesperson, Although the advertisement was on Ph, because they're not looking for traders. Earnings of the marne, best lowest, the rest of the under the table about how many bosses will have good humor. Drivers run the corpses after 15 years, about air conditioning can help managers forget, car in 40% are zeżarte by Red friend. I forgot about the most important, you are responsible for the goods and the money collected from the, but as someone You Rob it you pay for everything if you you zapierniczył, in this way, 2 whether the 3 drivers from the senior circle 8 years and older were working after half a year for free when their crooks with a knife robbed, and the company is insured for such accidents is pulling money from the employee and the insurance company if in. Company rescue workers, in the order of the team in Częstochowa, one store clerk is slightly annoying ( It's best not to talk, This type has) No but everywhere where us silent.
    So resumując, by virtue of the fact, that it's Poland, So how to Polish conditions need to start banging away employee as much as possible. A holiday you will get when the boss wants to, and not you. Lie with money that you get, premiums from all I see is the hated, you will earn just as you spend equal half a month at work ( magazine from the 230-jumpers, drivers 210-220h), the worst thing is, that I had lost there almost a month when I was talking in a really interesting places, and they explicitly misleading, It's not the first time when the advertisement of sales representative, and you have to be the cleaning lady. People have nothing, I do not recommend

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